Adding life to years
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Wairarapa Region

Wairarapa Region

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Wairarapa Region  New Zealand
Print this page City population: 4533028.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

The Wairarapa Regional Positive Ageing Strategy is a shared strategy for the three Wairarapa Councils (Carterton District Council, Masterton District Council and South Wairarapa). Located in the lower half of Te Ika-a-Māui/ the North Island of Aotearoa/New Zealand, the region encompasses 5 towns and rural areas and has a population 45330 at the last census in 2018. Of this population, 8169 or 18% people identify as Māori.
With people retiring in place and being a popular area that people retire to, the population of people aged 65 years of age and older is predicted to rise from 21.6% in 2018 to 31.5% in 2050
Launched in 2019, the vision for the Strategy is – Our kaumātua/older residents lead valued, connected and fulfilling lives.
Guided by the four principles of a positive narrative about ageing; working together to build on what already exists; ensuring equity and cultural diversity.

The goals of the current Strategy are:
Community and health services support older peoples’ well-being
Communication and Engagement with older people is respectful, appropriate and engaging
Transport options are safe, affordable and accessible for older people
Cultural diversity – our community is proud of, and inclusive of, all cultures
Housing options are appropriate, healthy and accessible for older people.
Places, spaces and activities are safe, affordable and provide fun and enjoyable choices for older people.

The three Councils have committed to supporting this work with a paid employee that works regionally. One work-plan is complete and a further 3-year workplan has been developed. The Positive Ageing Strategy Co-ordinator both supports staff internally and actively works with community partners that work with older people to create positive change.

Some of the activities that have resulted because of the Strategy are;
– Customer service training in disability awareness
– Footpath repair prioritisation process
– Website reviews for accessibility
– Partnering with community to host Senior of the Year Awards and Senior Games
– Partnership with Digital Seniors to enhance the delivery of digital training to older persons
– Regular information disseminated into the community
– Establishment of the Older Persons Community Network of community organisations.


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