Adding life to years
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On the occasion of Grandma’s Day and Grandfather’s Day on January 21 and 22, the “Senior in Opole” Information and Education Center prepared a lot of attractions for seniors.

On the occasion of Grandma’s Day and Grandfather’s Day on January 21 and 22, the “Senior in Opole” Information and Education Center prepared a lot of attractions for seniors. On Friday, January 20, employees of the National Health Fund established a consultation point to provide seniors with professional advice. Between 11.00 and 14.00 everyone could individually take advantage of health counseling. Senior Center employees also distributed puzzles on various topics. The first 10 people to have succeeded in solving them were rewarded with gifts. On the occasion of the holiday, seniors visiting Senior Center obtained various gadgets. Everyone could sit and have a nice time talking with a cup of coffee, tea and a cake.

On Monday, January 23, between 10.00 and 14.00, Social Insurance employees were waiting for seniors at the consultation point, where they could obtain not only a lot of necessary information on retirement and disability pension issues, e.g. mLegitymacja application, but also take part in a quiz and win small prizes and receive gadgets.

Also on that day, every senior visiting the center could drink coffee, tea, take a rest sitting at the table and talk in a nice atmosphere.

An additional attraction prepared for seniors was the opportunity to visit the TEB school. The students of the school not only showed the seniors around the school halls, but also prepared a surprise in the form of a photo session preceded by professional preparation: hairstyle and makeup.

Grandparents’ and Grandfathers’ Day, organized on the basis of open days, was very popular, with about 150 seniors in total.