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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Yesan-gun  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 7680144 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Yesan-gun needs to establish policies for older people as it enters a post-aged society. In order to create an age-friendly city, Yesan-gun set its vision as a “vital and healthy age-friendly city Yesan” reflecting the eight areas of the WHO guidelines, county residents’ opinions, and expert FGI results.

The three major goals of the age-friendly city of Yesan-gun were set as active social participation, healthy and pleasant city, and intergenerational empathy living together, with 50 detailed projects derived across eight major areas.

  1. Active Social Participation
    • The First Area: Leisure and Social Activities
    • The Second Area: Social Participation and Employment
  2. Healthy and Pleasant City
    • The Third Area: External Environment and Facilities
    • The Fourth Area: Residential Environment Safety
    • The Fifth Area: Convenience of Transportation
    • The Sixth Area: Health and Community Care)
  3. InterGenerational Empathy Living Together
    • The Seventh Area: Communication and Information
    • The Eighth Area: Social Respect and Integration

The age-friendly city Yesan-gun will continue to operate according to the policies created through public-private cooperation, and the public officials, creation committee, and a monitoring team will serve as the evaluation committee. Based on mutual cooperation, the public officials of Yesan-gun will first conduct a quantitative evaluation in terms of the achievement rate compared to the implementation goal, and secondly, county residents, including older people, will conduct qualitative evaluations by conducting an age-friendly survey to evaluate each action area.


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