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Salgado Filho

Salgado Filho

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Salgado Filho  Brazil
Print this page City population: 44039.98 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Salgado Filho is a small town located in the Southwest Region of Paraná state, Brazil, with a total population of 4,403 inhabitants, according to IBGE data (2010). In Salgado Filho, the history, life, work and existence of each person or family who lived or still lives in this town are valued. This municipality has agriculture as its main source of income, focused on cereals/grains. Pig farming, milk and poultry production also stand out in livestock. Currently, the sector that develops faster is the secondary sector, in the clothing sector. Salgado Filho is known as the “Land of wine, cheese and rural tourism”. For this reason, the great annual party promoted by the City Hall and non-government entities, always takes place on the third weekend of July with concerts, choice of the Queen and Princesses, with a food court in the amusement park with typical foods and colonial cafe cheese sales , wines, brown sugar, pork sausages, jellies, preserves, sweets. The town has already been developing several services, projects and actions aimed at the elderly and gradually improving these services in a way that promotes the participation and inclusion of the elderly in society, with appreciation and their human and social recognition. The adhesion to the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Program involved the participation of an intersectoral team, formed by technicians from different segments (health, education, social assistance), executive and legislative powers and civil society, and in this way, results are expected that make inclusion possible, encourage solidarity between generations, that public policies are implemented that guarantee and guarantee the elderly all their human rights.


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