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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Colombo  Brazil
Print this page City population: 2129677.28 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

The Municipal OMS Program Age-Friendly City, in Colombo, is the result of historical and collective work that guarantees the elderly’s population rights’ in various places in the municipality, where, according to data from the Health Secretary, more than 30.000 citizens aged 60 years or over inhabits. Including several municipal secretariats, the management committee was established in early 2021 and soon began the implementation process, through the construction of the municipal diagnosis with the support of The Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR). The municipal plan for the elderly was developed after various meetings of focus groups, which were established in spaces of reference for the articulation and participation of the elderly, such as Coexistence and Bond Strengthening Services (SCFV), Pastoral Care of the Elderly, and Long Stay Institutions (ILPI) and others. The meetings guaranteed the participation of the population represented here in the construction of this document, that materialized through. work-groups, popular participation and the Municipal Council for the Elderly. The municipal public policies have been assuring their commitment to this mission by continuing to offer actions and locations so the elderly population is able to construct and modify the municipality’s latent reality. The actions include promoting more activities that enable practices of healthy ageing, such as physical activities assisted by trained professionals in public spaces, offering access to information through digital inclusion policies, ensuring the service of reference centers such as SCFVs and, also, strengthening mechanisms for discussion, debate and inspection of policies for the elderly, as is the Municipal Council.

Baseline Assessment


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