Adding life to years
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Viișoara Village

Viișoara Village

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Viișoara Village  Republic of Moldova
Print this page City population: 136125 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

In order to implement the Age-Friendly Community concept, the town hall of Viișoara village has invested in the development and implementation of a variety of social services for the benefit of older citizens including but not limited to;

  • Offering home-based care (social and medical) services provided by CASMED by hiring two social workers, two medical assistants and a nurse from the community who provides medical services at home.
  • Older people are also actively involved in all the local working groups, the commissions of the Local Council, and the Village Council.
  • 22 cultural events have been organized with the participation of older people and the organization of interest groups for older individuals a key priority.
  • The inclusion of active ageing within the Strategic Plan for the development of the locality
  • The inclusion of issues related to the interests of older citizens are addressed during village and sector general meetings, and to the extent possible, resolved.
  • For the older people who have a low income and/or poor health a social canteen has been organized at the Day Center for the Elderly
  • Each local institution’s activity program includes activities involving older people (eg. exhibitions, computer lessons, health lessons, environmental protection actions, flash mobs etc.)
  • Promoting the Age-Friendly Community concept at a regional and national level through local and national mass media.



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