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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Zumarraga  Spain
Print this page City population: 1009429 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

Zumarraga is part of the Age-Friendly Basque Country Programme – EuskadiLagunkoia and has been a member of the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities since 2014.

Euskadi Langunkoia – Age-friendly Basque Country – is a cross-cutting initiative that engages citizens, the public and private sectors to create supportive and enabling environments for older people. Euskadi Langunkoia works with a number of communities across the Basque Country, including Zumarraga, to develop a network of age-friendly communities and facilitate the exchange of good practice between them.Consultations with older people across Zumarraga were carried out in 2013 (for details see Zumarraga Lagunkoia – Fase 1: Diagnóstico)



Zumarraga has been participating in a number of age-friendly initiatives spearheaded by the EuskadiLagunkoia Programme. Some of the most important are:

  • Time Bank: this is an online tool for the exchange of activities and support between citizens.
  • Intergenerational programs: some programs between older people and minors at risk of social exclusion
  • Age-friendly shops: this program was created with the aim of including small and large businesses of the neighborhoods in the project, creating a distinctive “We are Friendly” to identify those who commit themselves to participate by making a few small improvements on their premises (ie. have chairs where guests can relax).
  • The Legacy initiative across the Basque Country: This is a project of 12 short videos (5 min aproximately) of older person as transmitters of intangible heritage. You can watch them here:

pegatina establecimiento amigable

More age-friendly practices can be found here: Euskadi Lagunkoia – Age-Friendly practices


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