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Surf Coast Shire

Surf Coast Shire

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Surf Coast Shire  Australia
Print this page City population: 3345624.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Surf Coast Shire Council believes that an age-friendly community is one in which older people are valued, respected and actively supported to participate in their community.

In 2016, Council signed the Age Friendly Victoria Declaration, and in doing so, set it’s commitment to working toward attaining World Health Organisation status as an Age Friendly Community.

A Positive Ageing Advisory Committee was established in October 2018. The Committee consists of eleven place-based community representatives, a nominated Councillor, and relevant Council Officers. The Committee collects and considers evidence, ideas and community input about how Council can best create an Age Friendly Surf Coast where older people are valued, supported and empowered to live well. Advice is then provided to Council on strategies, plans and policies which relate to older people ageing well in the community.

Working with the Positive Ageing Advisory Committee and in consultation with Council’s diverse communities and townships, an Age Friendly Strategy 2020-2024 was developed and adopted by Council in August 2020.

Based on the WHO Age Friendly Communities Framework, the strategy sets Council’s new direction, moving from its historical service delivery model to one of building Age Friendly Communities. Council will play a pivotal role in leading and facilitating communities where people of all ages, regardless of ability or life stage, can live a quality, engaged and meaningful life.

Key projects will focus on community issues raised in the areas of Housing, Transportation, Social Participation, Respect and Social Inclusion, Civic and Economic Participation, Communication and Information, Community Support and Health Services, and Public Open Space and Buildings.

In 2020, Council employed an Age Friendly Officer to assist in the implementation of its Age Friendly Strategy key projects and evaluation framework. Implementation will involve a whole of community response that is place-based and inter-generational.


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