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Age-friendly institutions -second cycle





Sharjah Agefriendly office presents for the second time in a raw an age-friendly initiative called (the age-friendly institutions) where the authorities and institutions in Sharjah apply a set of criteria in order to take into account the ease of movement of the elderly within their buildings, in order to ensure social integration for them through a governmental program that grants the participants the status of (age-friendly institution). Where the standards are divided into 3 sections, namely the structural design of the building, distinctive services and community participation, with a total of 32 standards.

The initiative aims to encourage the elderly to get out of seclusion and facilitate their movements to end transactions in government institutions. In addition to spreading the culture of age-friendly institutions in preparation to confront (the demographic reversal) in favor of the elderly due to the rapid aging of the population, the expansion of cities and the development of health care for the population.

In 2020, 9 institutions were honored with the title (age-friendly institution), and the office aims to honor at least 5 entities in 2021.