Adding life to years
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Uiwang City

Uiwang City

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Uiwang City  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 16320821.1 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

In 2021, Uiwang City enacted the “Ordinance on the Creation of an Aged-Friendly City in Uiwang City” to promote an age-friendly city. In the process of establishing action plans for an Age-Friendly city, three monitoring groups that consist of various ages (from individuals in their 20s to older adults) and genders were formed in order to implement policies that are closely related to the opinions of our citizens. In addition, Uiwang City also conducted a survey for 1,000 Uiwang citizens and conducted focus group interviews of 15 males and 11 females. The participants’ information is provided in the attached ‘baseline assessment’ file.

We are developing our age-friendly policies by analyzing our people’s age-friendliness. Uiwang closely followed the WHO’s 8 age-friendly guidelines in developing our survey questions, and also reflected the characteristics of citizens’ demographics. Moreover, an age-friendly city promotion committee was formed with academic experts, field workers, and citizens in various areas to seek advice when developing an age-friendly policy. Lastly, an Aged-Friendly City Working Council was formed to communicate and cooperate across departments and between the city and citizens. The council aims to discover projects related to the eight areas and to select implementation tasks, and develop customized policies that reflect the current situation of our city.

Moreover, Uiwang City’s Planning and Budget Officer is in charge of the “Population Policy Promotion for All Generations’ Happiness” project. Through this project, the “Basic Plan for Population Policy (2021-2025)” of Uiwang City was established, and new projects to overcome the low birth rate and the rapidly ageing population are being promoted in each year and stage. In addition, it plays the role of a population policy control tower and is making efforts to close the gap between generations both mentally and physically.

Strategy and Action Plan