Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Kolbudy  Poland
Print this page City population: 1719318 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

The Kolbudy Commune has been implementing a local aged policy, as an integral part of the local social policy for four years. All the activities undertaken within its framework are integrated and strategically oriented. They are a response to the results of an in-depth analysis of the needs of Kolbudy’s older adult inhabitants carried out in 2017.

The main goal of the local age policy is to support older adults of the Kolbudy Commune and design an environment for healthy and active ageing, conducive to a satisfying life in the local community. Implementation of the goal formulated in this way is to be served by activities that fit into three main priorities:

  1. creating conditions for active ageing,
  2. providing care services, including home care and companionship for seniors, and
  3. creating and promoting a positive image of older adults in the local community and building/strengthening intergenerational relationships.

Within the process of creating the conditions for active ageing, three day-care seniors’ centers (seniors’ clubs) were organized, offering a wide range of activation and integration, recreational as well as cultural and educational activities. They work twice a week for 4 hours. Over 100 older adults became members of these clubs. There are also offers of recreational activities (gymnastics, therapeutic dance etc.) specially adapted to the needs of the older adults, including those with physical limitations or disability (twice a week for 1 hour). Due to the natural surrounding and commune’s location in the vicinity of lakes older adults may participate in sailing activities in the summer season too. For those who love music – twice a year there are organized concerts with repertoire, especially for older adults.

Care services, including home care and companionship, are offered for older adults with physical limitations or disabilities. An innovative element of the support system at their place of residence is telecare services (1st generation) and respite care (the support/relief for caregivers).

There have been several activities established for promoting the positive image of older adults in the local community and presenting their inputs to society. As the most relevant are intergenerational projects, including “intergenerational sightseeing walks” or children from primary schools involvement in events for older adults. The Mayor’s proxy for seniors’ affairs has been appointed in 2017, as responsible for planning and implementing the local age-friendly policy. The Kolbudy Commune’s past experiences lead to several conclusions about determinants of the effectiveness of actions within the framework of implementing the local age-friendly policy. The most important are: understanding the specificity of the ageing process and its consequences and proper recognition of the needs of older adults based on mutual trust, cooperation of local authorities and non-governmental organizations, communities of older adults and other institutions operating locally.