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Social service department gives influenza vaccination for elderly at home to protect them and enhance their health




With cooperation with the Ministry of health and prevention, Social service department in Sharjah has initiated seasonal influenza vaccinations for elderly in their home. The aim of the initiative is to provide protection against common viruses and preserving their health and avoiding them going to hospitals or health center to get the vaccine especially during this critical period of time which elderly prefer staying home. The Social service department in the first phase target its elderly members in Sharjah revealing that the initiative period extends until the end of January of next year 2021. It’s also possible to request vaccination for elderly by calling the toll-free number 800700.In addition, the social service department deliver medications and providing home physiotherapy sessions for those whose essential needs require the continuation of the therapeutic sessions for elderly. The main goal of these health initiative is to support them psychologically and morally especially bedridden elderly whose requires the necessity to visit hospitals or health center.