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Record achievements for Sharjah Age-friendly city Program from 2017-2020


The Sharjah Age-friendly cities program of the Department of Social service revealed that it has an achieved a number of achievements as the cumulative percentage of the strategic plan since its launch in 2017 and until September 30 in 2020 is about 90% with 24 government agencies in Sharjah participating in its achievements. Sharjah Age-friendly program has accomplished several of the achievements in according  with the Age-friendly cities domains. The outdoor spaces and building are 75%, transportation reached 87%, housing has reached 100%, while the percentage of the community participation domain is 91%. In addition, respect and inclusion domain has reached 89% and the percentage of the civic participation and employment was about 100%. As well as the domain of communication and information has reached about 100%. Finally, the community support and health service domain were 89%, and the percentage of completion of supportive activities is about 93%.

The high percentage of achievements reflects the extent of solidarity of governmental and private institutions in achieving such a great result. On the other hand, there is many important initiatives and activities were presented a mobile medical clinic, which includes modern radiology equipment and ultrasound diagnostic devices and laboratory devices. While home nursing services include providing nurse for the elderly at home to enhance the health of elderly patient and to ensure integrations with their families which benefited 96 elderly in Sharjah city. The Sports activities for the elderly in which 21 daytime activities implemented by Sharjah Sports Club. Furthermore, as part of the initiative to grant special benefit and discounts for those over 60 years old which was for the transportation and health care. In addition, to the bedridden initiative, which is for people cannot be transported only by specialized people due to their health condition which they reported 10988 cases.  Another initiative, which is to provide adequate lighting in the public places frequented by the elderly, especially in the roads leading to the mosques which number is about 234 mosques and 120 parking for the elderly vehicles. Also, 390 modifications were implemented in the corridors and sidewalks as part of the initiative to free the sidewalks and corridors from any obstacle and providing a slope to accommodate wheelchairs. Also, external seats were provided on the roads, especially in the park and public squares as provide 1061 seats were in outdoor public. In the parks 294 seats with special specifications suitable for an elderly person in 47 parks in Sharjah. Another important initiative the telephone service to the elderly a set of application that alert the elderly to take medicine and reminds them to watch Tv and read and visit relatives. In addition, training workshops for the elderly to use modern technologies. There are many activities that support elderly in the community, such annual exhibition called Barakt altruth which is 4 exhibitions prepared annually and also including the elderly in suburbs and councils.  Also, participation in volunteer work which is 66 volunteer programs and 221elderly participated. In addition to implementing trips for the elderly.