Adding life to years
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Care of the growing ageing population with dementia is one of the important issues of the Working Group on Rehabilitation and Age-friendly Communities in the Southern District. To address the problem of a common behavior, wandering, among older adults with dementia, the Working Group had invited the representatives from St. James’ Settlement to introduce Mobile Application – “Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign” to the older people’s institutions and organisations in Southern District. It was launched by Jockey Club Centre for Positive Aging, St. James’ Settlement and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with the support of Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, to help support older adults living with dementia.

During the sharing session, we acknowledged the growing problem of dementia in the community and the importance of community assistance with missing cases to help lower the risk of older adults with dementia wandering away. The development of this Mobile App aims to locate the missing older adults with dementia. Family caregivers can pre-register the information of the family member with dementia and report loss through the Mobile App. The public is also encouraged to download the Mobile App so to provide help for finding the missing people with dementia in the district (when the public receives a loss report of an older adult, he/she can turn on Bluetooth to assist in locating the missing individual). The sharing session provided ageing organisations and caregivers with the information about the Mobile App and how it works to prevent the ‘wandering’ of older adults living with dementia.

Key facts

Main target group: Older people in general

Sector(s): Health, Information and communication, Long-term care

Desired outcome for older people:
Meet their basic needs

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Ageing in place
  • Dementia
  • Technologies

Contact details


Email address:

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Social or health care provider

Others involved in the project:
  • Volunteers
  • Private sector
  • Research institution

How collaboration worked: The Campaign was funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, co-organised by Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, St James’ Settlement and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology from September 2019 to August 2022, which aims to promote a dementia friendly communities.

Older people’s involvement: Older people were involved in the age-friendly practice at multiple or all stages

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Was the impact positive or negative:

Please share with us what you found in detail:
For family caregivers and ageing organisations, it provides one more channel of loss prevention for older adults with dementia.

Looking back

The general public are encouraged to download the Mobile App and become “Dementia Angels” so to provide help in finding missing people with dementia in the district. If more promotions could be done through advertisments, talks and education seminars, it would be more effective in seeking the public’s attention and support.