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Senior Citizens Advisory Committee:Orientation Package

New Member Orientation Package
July 2019
City of Welland Senior Citizens Advisory Committee (SCAC) Table of Contents

Welcome to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, one of Welland’s original Advisory Committees.

The SCAC orientation package will help you, as a new Committee member, to feel at ease with being part of the team. We hope to provide you with an understandable introduction to SCAC, what is expected and where you fit into the overall goals.

Best wishes and thank you for joining SCAC.
The Chair and Vice-Chair will be available to you in a mentorship capacity. About SCAC

  1. Terms of Reference 1. Purpose2. Objectives
    3. Membership
    4. Reporting
    5. Meetings and Meeting Schedule 6. Member Responsibilities
  2. SCAC Committee Members (see
  3. Working Sub Committees Role for committee members
  4. Operations
    1. Action Plan2. Past Achievements/current projects/calendar/grants 3. Sample minutes and agendas of meetings
    4. Sample newsletters
  5. Reference Materials (see below for list and links)
  6. Special Events Reports

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CITY of WELLAND Senior Citizens Advisory Committee (“SCAC”)

A.Terms of Reference

A.1. Purpose

1.1 To serve in an advisory capacity to City Council and staff on matters that impact the quality of life of senior citizens in the City of Welland.

A.2. Objectives

2.1 To act as a liaison for all seniors in the City, and advise City Council and staff on ways to enrich and enhance the health and quality of life of seniors in the community.

2.2 To solicit input and act as a public forum for issues that affect seniors in the community.

2.3 To provide advice based on input received to improve the programs, policies and services provided to seniors.

2.4 To identify barriers to access by seniors to City programs and services.

2.5 To form partnerships in the community to educate, inform and improve quality of life for seniors.

2.6 To create an Age-friendly Welland and ensure that the community engages in action- oriented strategies that are based upon the World Health Organization (WHO) principles as identified in the Age-friendly Framework and Toolkit. The principles will include:
• Respect and support of all citizens

• Access and inclusion for all citizens
• Community engagement in decision making
• Livability
• Accountability
• Promoting independence and wellness for seniors

The Advisory Committee will identify and support the activities of the Age-friendly sub- committee and work with decision makers to achieve an Age-friendly community.

2.7 To prepare and submit an annual report and recommendations to Council for consideration.

A.3. Membership

3.1 The Advisory Committee shall consist of eleven (11) voting members: • Welland resident/ratepayer – eight (8) positions minimum

• Non-resident/non-ratepayer – two (2) positions maximum (Where interested non- resident/non-ratepayer applications are received for vacancies on the SCAC and those applicants are active in the Welland community as a whole and the Welland Community Wellness Complex, a maximum of two non-resident/non-ratepayer applicants will be considered in the absence of resident/ratepayer applications.)

• One (1) City Councillor

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3.2 Any advisory support required by the Committee will be determined on an ad-hoc basis dependent on need and availability of resources. Sub-committees comprised of members-at- large may be initiated to achieve the objectives of the Advisory Committee. In addition, the Committee will engage non-voting resources that will serve in an advisory capacity:

I. A staff liaison from the Integrated Services Department.
II. Staff support from various City departments as required.
III. Representatives from various community organizations and agencies as required.

3.3 Committee members shall be appointed by City Council.

3.4 The Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair.

3.5 Any resignation from the Committee shall be tendered in writing to the Chair who will advise Council through City Staff. Council shall approve a replacement member.

3.6 Members will be appointed for a period to coincide with the term of the appointing City Council.

A.4. Reporting

4.1 The Committee will report to Council through the Integrated Services Committee.

A.5. Meetings

5.1 A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the members holding office at the time of the meeting.

5.2 The Chair will establish a regular Committee meeting schedule. A meeting agenda will be prepared and distributed at least one week prior to the meeting. Minutes will be recorded and submitted for approval at a following meeting.

5.3 In order to maintain a high level of commitment, members may be asked to resign if they have been absent for three (3) consecutive meetings without good cause.

Meeting Schedule

Schedule: Third Thursday of every month

Meeting Time: 09:30 – 12:00 Hrs

Meeting Location: Welland Community Wellness Complex, 145 Lincoln Street Chair: Carol Sernasie
Vice-Chair: Rose Dzugan
Staff Liaison: Richard Dalton, 905-735-1700 ext. 4007, Committee Contact: Pierrette Pigeon , 905-735-1700 ext. 4000,

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A.6. Member Responsibilities

6.1 Committee members shall become familiar with the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan, City Policies and Procedures and other relevant documents.

6.2 Each Committee member will serve as an independent community volunteer and will not represent the concerns of any particular community organization. Committee members shall work together as a team for the purpose of achieving positive outcomes that will benefit the entire community.

6.3 Committee members are selected based upon their experience and knowledge and are expected to actively participate in committee meetings.

6.4 Committee members shall declare any situation that is, or has the potential to be a conflict of interest.

Terms of Reference Revised by Welland City Council Mar. 10, 2015

Re: Attendance at meetings:
SCAC requests that members inform the secretary of their attendance at meetings or regrets if unable to attend.
Attendance at special events is strongly recommended.

B. SCAC Committee Members 2019 – 2022: see City Web Site

C. Working Sub Committees and Terms of Reference: pending: developed according to need and strategic plan

D. Operations:

1. Action Plan (add link from Web Site when completed) action plan/proposed projects
2. Past Achievements
3. Sample minutes and agendas of meetings (insert hard copy into orientation package) Plus

links from Web
4. Sample newsletters insert hard copy into orientation package) Plus link from Web site

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E. Reference Materials

a. “Bridging the past, present and future”: Agencies, Boards and Committees: ABC’s of Committees and Procedural By-Laws City of Welland

b. Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan (BOOKLET, April, 2015)


The Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan is dedicated to advancing the vision of a “caring community that optimizes opportunities for overall well being to enhance quality of life as


people age.” The Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan is a “living document” that serves as a template for planning by service agencies, different levels of government, businesses and the community at large.

Companion documents include:

Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan Toolkit and-action-plan-toolkit/
This toolkit consists of resources and publications designed to support the Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan: Booklet (2015).

NB Implementing the Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan. Focused Action priorities 2018 – 2019. 5 goals, 100 action items

Niagara Aging Strategy and Action Plan Project Report

This document summarizes the input from over 500 individuals to:

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  • Validate needs of older adults that are currently being perceived by older adults, advocacy groups, service providers and others
  • Identify new or emerging needs of older adults, as the population and society changes
  • Provide insights into existing and emerging needs that will help communities andorganizations within communities to become more age-friendly and advance to achieve the world-class age-friendly community characteristics of the World Health Organization

c. The Age Friendly Niagara Network:

d. Niagara Age Friendly Community Network:

e. Canada National Dementia Strategy 2019

History was made in June, 2019 as the federal government officially announced Canada’s first national dementia strategy: “A Dementia Strategy for Canada: Together We Aspire.”

f. NB Seniors Needs, Companion Documents

g. Hospice Palliative Care Update April 22 2017. Council Presentation

h. Grants/Awards:

Welland has been an age-friendly leader in Niagara since 2009 (the first Age-Friendly Community in Niagara) and was one of 40 communities to receive an Ontario Age-Friendly Community Recognition Award in the inaugural year of the award, in 2018.


i. SCAC partners

  • Welland Seniors Foundation
  • Welland Community Wellness Complex Advisory Committee
  • Welland Arena Advisory Committee (a member of the SCAC sits on this committee)
  • Niagara Region
  • Niagara Connects:
  • Brock University: Lifelong Learning Niagara Lecture Series:


• Brock University: Centre for Lifespan Development Research

  1. Ministry of Seniors Affairs
  2. International Federation on Aging (IFA)

l. World Health Organization (WHO) HYPERLINK “” (Welland was the first Niagara Region City to receive official Age-Friendly Community status under the auspices of WHO (2009) (see SCAC Terms of Reference for principles of WHO Age-Friendly Communities.)HYPERLINK

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F.Special Events Reports: to be provided as issued.

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