Adding life to years
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Town of Ajax

Town of Ajax

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Town of Ajax  Canada
Print this page City population: 12178016 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Ajax is a community that is strongly committed to equity through its policies, services, programs, and spaces. It is our goal to ensure everything available to residents is inclusive and reflective of the needs of the community as a whole.

In 2017, Ajax Council endorsed the Older Adults and Seniors Recreational Services Strategy that established recommendations guiding recreational programs and spaces for older adults and seniors. This was the first step in preparing for the changing demographic, positioning ourselves towards an age-friendly community planning initiative.

In April 2019, the Town formed the Age-Friendly Ajax Steering Committee. Made up of community organizations, senior residents, and key Town departmental leads, this committee has been engaged in creating an Age-Friendly Community Plan. Consisting of 20 goals and 82 recommendations, the plan has created a clear path forward to enhance programs, services, and infrastructure that will address the diverse needs of Ajax’s older population.

In addition, The Town of Ajax has multiple plans that contribute to building a more age-friendly community, including:

  • 2018 – 2022 Ajax Strategic Plan – Stronger Together
  • Diversity and Community Engagement Plan
  • Recreation and Parks Master Plan
  • Partnership-Based Community Safety Strategy
  • Integrated Transportation Master Plan
  • 2018 -2022 Accessible Ajax Accessibility Plan
  • 2020 – 2025 Economic Development Action Plan

The Town of Ajax continues to provide and implement age-friendly programs, services and initiatives. Highlights include:

  • Wide variety of 55yrs+ recreational & general interest programming. Free and low cost activities, financial assistance available.
  • Free 55yrs+ events, including accessible transportation.
  • Partnership with local Senior Centres, supporting operations through dedicated space, staffing resources, funding for program and infrastructure enhancements, and free weekly transportation for club members.
  • Senior Snow Removal Program
  • Municipal Property Tax Deferral Program
  • Ongoing civic engagement (e.g. Ajax Older Adult Task Force, Accessibility Advisory Committee, Library Older Adult Advisory Committee)
  • Connecting isolated seniors (e.g. Visiting Library, Senior Centre Without Walls, Friendly Calling, Ajax Fire Senior Outreach Program).
  • Free health & wellness initiatives (e.g. monthly blood pressure clinics)