Adding life to years
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Positive Ageing October 2020 – Fermanagh Omagh District Area – Northern Ireland

The Western Health & Social Care Trust in partnership with Fermanagh & Omagh District Council, Public Health Agency, South West Age Partnership and Community & Voluntary groups are working together to promote Positive Ageing Month throughout the west in October 2020.
Positive Ageing Month is a month-long campaign of events and activities for older people that recognises and celebrates the contribution older people make to their communities and the wider society.
This year, in light of Covid-19, a mixture of activities is being planned that enable older people to connect both virtually through online events, and physically where this is permissible within the Covid-19 guidelines.
A comprehensive programme of events has been developed that encourages older people to take the five steps to well-being; Be Active, Give, Connect, Keep Learning and Take Notice. These 5 steps built into our daily lives can help maintain and improve our health and emotional wellbeing. For a full list of activities on offer throughout the month, download our brochure in the Downloads section below or by clicking here.
Also on offer during Positive Ageing Month is ‘Keeping Well at Home’; a booklet with some ideas and suggestions to keep safe and well. It is designed for people who are less confident on the internet or perhaps don’t have access to it with a useful list of contacts and phone numbers at the back. Download this brochure in the Downloads section below or by clicking here.
Finally, to compliment the, ‘Keeping Well at Home’ booklet, Age NI have teamed up with Lady Mary Peters to launch an exercise programme called, ‘Move with Mary’ which is aimed specifically at keeping older people moving whilst at home. ‘Move with Mary’ consists of five exercise videos which cater for every level of capability, ranging from simple seated stretches, to balance, strength and gentle aerobic exercises. The videos have been developed in partnership to support the work of the Northern Ireland Frailty Network, Age Friendly Network NI, care homes and Age Sector Networks delivering locally for the benefit of older people. Discover the videos by clicking
