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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Realeza  Brazil
Print this page City population: 1633814.32 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The municipality of Realeza, located 523.08 km from the city of Curitiba, Capital of the State of Paraná, is geographically 211.5 km from the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu and the border of Paraguay and Argentina. According to the Census of the Instituto de Geografia e Estática (Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE), published in 2010, the estimated population of the municipality in the respective year was 16,338 (sixteen thousand, three hundred and thirty-eight inhabitants). The actions to be carried out with the proposed Action Plan are in the area of various social policies: social assistance, health, education, urbanism and accessibility as well as social development. The present plan is a document prepared by the government through its municipal secretariats, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS) and UTFPR , Municipal Council for the Rights of the Elderly, Non-governmental entities and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), with a focus on the implementation and execution of a public policy that meets the needs and demands of older adults. It is important to emphasize that this plan is based on the diagnosis of actions related to older adults, which demonstrates all the programs, projects and services provided by the Municipal Secretaries of Royalty. The Action Plan seeks to indicate and plan actions to improve services and policies already implemented and in the implementation of new proposals, based on the suggestions that arise on the last Older Adults’ Conference in the Municipality. The engagement of the Municipal Protection network contributes significantly to guarantee the defense of older adults’ rights and the prevention of situations of violence and / or neglect or vulnerability. The Certificate of Age Friendly City (Selo de Cidade Amiga do Idoso) will be a call to society in general to contribute to these actions, since it is the duty of the family, society and the State, to ensure that the rights provided for by the Estatuto do Idoso, main document concerning older adults rights in Brazil, are followed to guarantee well-being, social, emotional and physical development of older individuals.

Baseline Assessment


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