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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Sulina  Brazil
Print this page City population: 339416.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Sulina is a municipality located in the Southwest Region of the State of Paraná, about 430 kilometers from the capital, Curitiba. Population from last census from 2010 was 3.394 residents (IBGE, 2010), but in 2019 the estimated population was 2.981 residents. From this last estimate, 758 individuals, 368 men and 390 women, were older adults; 305 living in urban area and 453 in the rural countryside. Sulina is basically inhabited by descendants of German immigrants, and has a total area of 170,76 km². It is one of 37 cities that compose the mesoregion Southwest of the State of Paraná. Sulina is motivated to become an Age-Friendly City, because it is a place where many older adults live. Because of this the city has always tried to adopt measures for a healthy aging  and to provide quality life to older adults. Concerning these measures Sulina always tried to take into account the different needs and capacities of each older individual, always focusing on health, participation and security/safety, because we acknowledge that an active aging requires that older adults have the opportunity of participate the community and have their rights respected. The city also appreciate the opportunity of coexistence of older adults and individuals of different ages, with an intergenerational approach, as a way to avoid social isolation; in addition to physical and social environments friendly to aging, free of architectonical and urbanistic barriers, and aging prejudice; adequate care in cases of loss of autonomy and dependency (family and social care); prevention of disability and chronic diseases, through development of actions on health and wellbeing; reduction of vulnerabilities and social inequality; combat the financial, psychological or physical abuse and violence against older adults.

Baseline Assessment


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