Adding life to years
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Dois Vizinhos

Dois Vizinhos

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Dois Vizinhos  Brazil
Print this page City population: 3617910.18 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The town of Dois Vizinhos was founded in 1960 and it’s located in the southwest region of the State of Paraná with an estimated population of 41,038 inhabitants, of which approximately 7,500 are older adults. The increased percentage of the older population demands attention and actions by public policies. In order to improve individuals’ quality of life, Dois Vizinhos proposes to implement gradual improvements, becoming an age friendly city. Therefore, it accepts the challenge of creating an action plan following the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). This plan approach elements about the history of the city, the infrastructure, quality of life indicators and a survey referring the laws that could protect the older adults rights. The elaboration of the goals was based on the proposals raised by participants from the VI Municipal Conference on the Rights of Older Adults, developed in the municipality of Dois Vizinhos in 2019. Apart from the older adults, he conference counted with the participation of public policies representatives and civil society entities. The elaboration of the plan at this moment presented a singular situation: the pandemic due to the coronavirus, which did not allow the development of meetings in person of older adults’ to discuss topics, and imposed the challenge of holding virtual meetings to enable the discussions. The proposed goals aim improvements on the physical environment, such as streets, the sidewalks and landscaping. Besides, they involve improvements in accessibility of public buildings, cultural and integration activities. We wish that the elaboration of this document can effectively contribute to the improvement of public services offered to older adults, and, therefore, improving the urban and rural older population quality life.


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