Adding life to years
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Itapejara Do Oeste

Itapejara Do Oeste

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Itapejara Do Oeste  Brazil
Print this page City population: 105317 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Itapejara D’Oeste is a Brazilian municipality in the Southwest region of the state of Paraná. The total population of the municipality is 10,531 inhabitants according to IBGE data (2010), being 6,987 inhabitants in the urban area and 3,544 inhabitants in the rural area. Of these, 582 individuals aged 60 and over belong to the rural area and 843 belong to the urban area. Aging is a continuous process that requires special care. Because of this, several actions have been taken place and many of them have been included in the action plan for the Age friendly city project. These activities have been carried out in a multisectorial collaboration, including the departments of Social Services and CRAS, Health, Education and Culture department, Urbanization, Sports and Leisure administration. Since the commitment made, in June 2019, it is clear that many of the actions already developed meet the criteria necessary to become an age friendly city and based on quantitative and qualitative research, the action plan was prepared including the wishes and views of the older population. Becoming an Age Friendly City, not only refers to what has already been done  in the city, but but it is a commitment that the city is making for the future. It is also a continuity program for the next managers. Much progress has been made to provide that in Itapejara D’Oeste older people participate in the development of the city as an age friendly environment.


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