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Delivery of medicines to the elderly and the disabled


The Home Care Department of the Social Services Department in Sharjah has delivered medicines and medical supplies to the homes of the elderly and the disabled to protect them and their families from visiting hospitals or health facilities. This initiative is to reduce the chances of catching the infection and reducing the spread of the new COVID-19 virus. Number of health and preventive initiatives during this period within its strategic plans aimed at preventing cases from risks with proactive steps and ensuring the protection of various groups of members of society. Especially, the elderly and children and those with vulnerable immunity. The director of the Home Care Department revealed that within 5 days, about 1072 elderly and disabled people from home care affiliates benefited by delivering medicines especially for the coming months of “March” till the mid of May, while a continuous plan was put in place to deliver medicines to their homes during the coming months in line with the standards for the preservation of medicines. The team in the Social department in Sharjah working on the task of delivering medicines does not limit their mission to delivery only but rather informs the beneficiaries of how to use the drugs, the dosages and the specific times, how to store medicines, methods of preservation and appropriate temperatures for them. In addition, providing guidance and preventive advice and guidance on how to measure pressure or sugar, and how to take the dose of the drugs. The Home Care Department allows those wishing to obtain a home care service to communicate at 8007080, or through the website, or What app service and as part of its continuous efforts to provide distinguished services that take into account conditions and needs of its beneficiaries from different age groups.