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Sharjah Elderly nursing home applies the precautionary home self-quarantine


The Elderly Care Center in Sharjah, affiliated with the Social Services Department, implemented, in coordination with the Preventive Medicine Department of the Sharjah Medical Zone, the precautionary home self-quarantine for the residents of the house, including elderly for a period of two weeks. The period can be extended, and launched an electronic communication channel, to communicate with social workers, for follow-up every day and implement social activities remotely. The Elderly nursing home in Sharjah, affiliated with the Social Services Department, has announced the start of the application of precautionary home quarantine, for elderly parents of elderly residents for a period of two weeks, which can be extended.


In coordination with the Department of Preventive Medicine in Sharjah Medical District, to ensure the safety and protection of the residents of the house and protect them with steps Proactive. Mariam Al-Qatari, Director of the Elderly Care House, affirmed that the Social Services Department decided to implement the self-quarantine for the residents of the house according to the highest precautionary standards to limit the capture or spread of emerging Coronavirus infection among the elderly and employees working in the house. As a kind of proactive plans for the safety and protection of our fathers and mothers who live in the house. The director of the nursing home added that among other precautionary steps taken by the department in order to protect this category, the launch of an electronic communication channel which would allow associates to communicate with social workers with regard to daily follow-up and implementation of social activities remotely.