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European projects supporting age-friendly environments

The European Union is funding a number of projects aiming at supporting or developing age-friendly environments. Most of them have useful ressources to be shared:

  • Mobility Scouts – The overall objective of the project Mobility Scouts is to involve older men and women in decision making processes and enable and empower them to contribute to the creation of age-friendly environments and services as co-producers. The partners of this project have developed a number of toolkits ond online training available at:
  • AFE Activists – this project support and train older adults who want to promote and foster age-friendly environments in their cities and communities and to influence municipal agencies in their decision making so that the infrastructures and services are adapted to the diverse capacities, realities, needs and preferences of all residents of all ages.
  • ACPA project – Adapting Cities to Population Ageing – coordinated by ESPON: comparison between 8 European Cities on how to manage with demographic change and ageing – all of them being involved in the age-friendly environments topics – The final reports will in the course of 2020.
  • T.A.A.F.E – Towards an age-friendly alpine space aims at enhancing the capacities of public authorities and service providers in the Alpine Space to develop sustainable age-friendly environments.