Adding life to years
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Olmsted County

Olmsted County

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Olmsted County  United States of America
Print this page City population: 15627721 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Olmsted County’s Home & Community Care programs support elderly and disabled people in their efforts to remain living as independently in the community as possible. There are several different programs that are targeted to specific age groups and targeted to specific types of disabilities. A range of programs and services are provided by public agencies and private non-profits. These include: Adult Day Service; Adult Foster Care; Advocacy, Information & Assistance; Caregiver Support; Chore Services; Hospice; Information, Referral, Assistance & Health Insurance Counseling; Legal Assistance; Licensed Professional Home Health Agencies; Licensed Home Management Agencies; Long-Term Care Consultation (MN Choices); Meals on Wheels; Mental Health Counseling; Senior Centers; Senior Dining; Senior Housing; Transportation; Volunteer Based Programs; and Veterans Services. As part of our stated mission, Adult & Family Services provides support and assistance for people who have serious mental health problems, chronic addictions, developmental disabilities, those who are elderly or have disabilities and want services at home, and individuals in need of adult protection. New initiatives in the division include:
• Collaboratives with community providers to enhance behavioral health services
• Changes in practices to allow consumers to direct their services
• Development of supportive housing
• Increasing staff expertise in protecting vulnerable adults from financial exploitation
The community plans to become more age-friendly by connecting and convening multiple sectors and professions that provide supports, services, and infrastructures to promote age-friendliness; collecting data to assess age-friendliness; conducting, communicating, and disseminating research findings and best practices to support age-friendliness; complementing and supplementing existing supports and services for older adults; and coordinating existing supports and services to increase access.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan