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Community and Health Care

Accessible and affordable community and health services are crucial in keeping seniors healthy, independent and active. This involves an appropriate supply of aged care services conveniently located close to where older people live and trained health and social workers to provide these services.

A wide range of accessible and affordable health services

Seniors have different health care needs and preferences. A range of services along the continuum of aged care, such as preventive care, geriatric clinics, hospitals, adult day centres, respite care, rehabilitation, residential nursing home care, home care and palliative care, would meet these diverse needs. These services should be easily accessible at locations convenient for seniors to reach. Residential care services, such as nursing homes, located within residential areas would allow older residents being cared for there to remain connected to their familiar surroundings. Education on the health system and available health services would raise awareness among seniors of the areas of care available to them. Health services should also be affordable or support available to cover the costs, to provide seniors with peace of mind that they will be able to receive care regardless of the ability to pay.