Adding life to years
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Comuna de Rengo

Comuna de Rengo

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Comuna de Rengo  Chile
Print this page City population: 5882511.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The Office of the Adult Mayor of the Community of Rengo, under the Directorate of Community Development (DIDECO) has the purpose and objective of providing direct orientations to the integral and participatory care of persons under 60 years of age and thereafter promoting the past As an active and healthy process, it considers older people as full citizens, so it seeks to generate a programmatic offer that generates multidimensional conditions for inclusion in different movements of the socio-community life of community development

The Office of the Elderly has the main objective of promoting the physical, social and recreational well-being of the adults of the Community, for this the Illustrious Municipality of Rengo has the following recreational workshops:

Tango workshop
• Gymnastics workshop
• Entertaining dance workshop
• Zumba workshop
• Yoga workshop
• Cueca Workshop
• Folklore Workshop
• Singing workshop
• Gastronomy workshop
• Mental health workshop

Activities carried out by the Superior Office
• Support in the formulation of projects for requests for competitive funds.
• Advice and guidance in general.
• Training sessions with senior clubs in support networks, municipal transparency, accounting book, self-care, healthy lifestyle, travel and coordination with SERNATUR.
• Weekly visits to organize activities, club anniversaries and orientations.
• Weekly activities and meetings to strengthen the social participation of each organization.
• Seek and generate agreements with private companies to benefit the largest number of adults in the Rengo Commune.
• Work together with public health departments and areas, as well as with the support of private parties.

The Illustrious Municipality of Rengo within its guiding principles has as its main objective, to be a generating entity of the development of its Commune integrating and inviting its inhabitants to be part of the various programs such as the celebration passing August, summer of the elderly, walk, Olympics, galas, cinema, informative fairs, evenings of the month of the elderly among others that encourage participation and active aging. By virtue of this, it is worth mentioning the importance of articulating and linking the community in each achievement that has been proposed, promoting a path of great challenges for the commune in all its fields, which is why through the efforts of the Mayor we are implementing a project called the Elderly Clinic where early health in our older adults will no longer be a concern for waiting lines and poor attention.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan