Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Zapotlanejo  Mexico
Print this page City population: 700006 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Older adults are considered a vulnerable population at risk and for this reason we have created politics and social programs to take care of them in the community of Zapotlanejo. Some examples of programs and policies that benefit our older adults include:

  • Cash transfers are awarded to elderly residents from the federal government, every two months, to help them pay for their personal expenses.
  • We provide social activities for our elderly to improve their participation in the community and quality of life, as well as provide cognitive stimulation to keep their minds active. Every Monday and Wednesday, in the House of the Elderly, they can participate in activities such as choir, dance, crafts, “brain gym”, cachi-bol, physical exercise, free dance, pasta-making, board games, and computing. With these activities older adults are offered the opportunity to enjoy the company of other older adults, also providing comprehensive socio-educational, educational, recreational, sports and cultural care. All of these activities are aimed at promoting their autonomy.
  • “Your best life today”: a new program that seeks to improve the health of the elderly. Together with the Universidad de Guadalajara, we will be providing medical support with the intervention of intern specialists in gerentolology, psychology and physiotherapists. The aim of this program is the integral well-being of the elderly people, seeking to improve their life in all aspects (physical and emotional).
  • “Jalisco te reconoce”: a new program that donates items to older adults that they need, such as shoes, glasses, wheelchairs, walkers, identity bracelets, walking canes, etc.


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