Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Mora  Costa Rica
Print this page City population: 3006713.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The Municipality of Mora is in charge of the development of social policies at a local level. Such policies are developed by the Human Development and Social Cohesion branch of the local government, where a variety of programs are executed with a focus on senior citizens.

The Human Development and Social Cohesion branch is constituted by the following offices: the Women’s Office, the House of Culture, the House of Justice and the Social Well-being Office. Integrated into the latter is the project for Digital Literacy and Local Economic Development. These offices work in favor of the rights of the population of Mora and the improvement of their quality of life, with special attention to the needs of senior citizens in their projects.

Among the aforementioned offices, the Social Well-being Office is in charge of the execution of specific strategies directed towards the needs of senior citizens, such as:

  • The operation of the care network for senior citizens in the canton of Mora. This program provides assistance and care for elderly citizens in conditions of poverty, extreme poverty, and social risk.
  • Performing a diagnostic about the current state of the rights of the elderly population, in order to know their most pressing needs and demands.
  • The development of a community network of care for the elderly population is being carried out in an inter-institutional fashion. This network consists of a group of volunteers that support and take care of elderly citizens in a situation of need.
  • Inter-institutional work, in conjunction with different communal leaders from varied communities of the canton of Mora, is being carried out to promote social participation, recreation, and community network strengthening as strategies to promote and improve the mental health of the elderly population.
  • Celebrations for the Senior Citizens Month.
  • The first edition of the “Golden Generation 6.0” Fest is to be held in 2019. The objective of this fest is to celebrate the rights of the elder population in the canton and their contributions to the development of the communities, in the framework of celebrations for the Senior Citizens Work.
  • Commemoration of June 15th: “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day”.
Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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