Adding life to years
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Los Ángeles

Los Ángeles

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Los Ángeles  Chile
Print this page City population: 20233116 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Los Ángeles is a middle-sized city in the Región del Biobío, Chile. Its population is 202.331, of which 15% is older than 60 years old. The city has been working rigorously during the last few years to improve the well-being of its older adult population. The municipality concentrates its efforts in the Integral Center for Older Adults. Some examples of the center’s activities and efforts include:

  • Increased social activity and creation of a network of older adults; since 2013 they have been responsible for the creation of 90 clubs. In this period that means a 100% increase.
  • Folkloric and artistic activities.
  • Recreational travels (with resources of the municipality and other ones from central government).
  •  Training in various crafts, such as healthy cooking and computing
  • Physical training
  • Free kinesiology and podiatry services
  • Accompaniment program initiative called “Cuidando tus años” (Taking care of your years) which includes social care, kinesiology treatment, and a team that provides house cleaning services
  • Aged Care Program, which offers social care and support for projects of older persons’ clubs
  • ‘Tarjeta Club Dorado’ (Golden Club Card), which provides a discount on many products in the community
  • Subsidies for activities of older persons’ clubs
  • Execution of central government programs, such as “Vínculos” and “País de Mayores”

In order to increase respect and social integration for the elderly, the community celebrates ‘La Velada de los Grandes’ (The Evening of the Greats) every year. In this activity, about eight hundred people of all ages congregate and there are artistic performances by the older population.

Additionally, the Health Communal Directorate of Los Ángeles assists 10,068 people over 65 years old, controlled by the Preventive Medicine Examination of the Elderly. Furthermore, 3,042 persons participate in the program “Más adultos mayores Autovalentes” (More Autonomous Seniors).