Adding life to years
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Puente Alto

Puente Alto

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Puente Alto  Chile
Print this page City population: 56810612 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The Senior Adult Office, “Puente Mayor”, has a Services and Workshops Unit that includes:

  • Kinesiology, podiatry, massage therapy, dental and ophthalmological care; as well as
  • Confectionery, crafts, ceramics, hairdressing and loom workshops;
  • Sports workshops such as zumba, physical activity and tai-chi;
  • Cultural workshops such as mapuche loom, mosaic, guitar and dance.

Other units include:

  • The Territorial Development Unit, which is responsible for advising and supporting the Senior Adult Clubs in the development of their activities and application for funding;
  • The Specialized Programs Unit, which groups together government programs aimed at the older adult population, such as the “Programa Vínculos”, “Centro Diurno para el Adulto Mayor”, “Cuidados Domiciliarios” and “Condominio de Viviendas Tuteladas”, and municipal programs such as “Programa Lazos” and “Programa de Protección de Derechos de las Personas Mayores”;
  • The Psychosocial Care Unit, which deals with cases of social and psychological problems in elderly people in the municipality

Within the recreational activities that are carried out in the commune there are:

  • Organized walks for older adults
  • Lunches
  • Celebrations
  • Championships
  • Masses
  • Exhibitions
  • Presentations; and
  • Contests.

Within the municipal initiatives, there are:

  • The “Banda Activa” that promotes urban mobility in the elderly
  • The “Escuelita del Adulto Mayor,” also complemented with the “Inserción Escolar para Adultos”
  • The “Farmacia Solidaria” that supports the purchase of medicines and medical aids at low cost
  • The “Balneario Municipal”
  • The Municipal Village of Las Vizcachas that has an educational farm, a navigable lagoon, cooks and picnic areas; and
  • The “Ventanas Abiertas” program that offers free rides to severely dependent people in an adapted ambulance.

There are also 8 corporate CESFAMs in the commune and 2 Health Centers belonging to the Ancora-UC Health Network.