Adding life to years
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Town of Barnstable

Town of Barnstable

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Town of Barnstable  United States of America
Print this page City population: 4432532.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The Town of Barnstable has a long and rich history of providing vital programs and services to older residents in our community. We are committed to maximizing their quality of life so they can remain active and engaged in our community. Through the Senior Services Division/Council on Aging, the Town operates an approximately 20,000 square foot multipurpose Senior Center, a vibrant and dynamic hub of activity that offers a diverse array of programs and services to keep residents age 50+ socially, physically, and civically engaged. The center also offers evening wellness and enrichment programs to adults of all ages to promote cross-generational connection and provide all adults in our community with the opportunity to thrive and age well as they move through the lifespan. In an effort to be more inclusive and welcoming to members of our community who feel the term “senior” is a barrier to access and participation, the center will soon be renamed as the Barnstable Adult Community Center. This rebranding project is the culmination of several years of work, including resident surveys, two community conversations at the Center and an earlier needs assessment. We have also been informed and guided by the “Reframing Aging” study, commissioned by the eight leading agencies on aging in the United States. Our Outreach program offers supportive services that provide a safety net to many vulnerable older people in our community and assists clients with health insurance counselling and public benefits enrollment. The Senior Services Division also operates a transportation program, enabling older adults who no longer drive to maintain their independence and to continue living in our community. We provide many caregiver resources and respite, including an adult supportive day program that provides much-needed respite for caregivers, as well as providing a safe, stimulating, and structured environment for our clients. Demographic projections indicate that by 2030, over 42% of Barnstable’s population will be over 60 years of age. As the demand for expanded services continues to grow, it is essential that we view the needs of older people in our community through an age-friendly lens to ensure that we are supporting them and striving to ensure that their needs are being met.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan