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Tai Po Dementia Care Link: A Collaborative Community Partnership Model



The Salvation Army , Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital and Tai Po Hospital has taken a new initiative to establish “Tai Po Dementia Care Link” on 1 June 2017, which join together with 30 NGOs & local stakeholders in Tai Po district, so as to tackle the challenges of dementia with Multidisciplinary, Cross-sectorial & District-based collaboration.


  • To arouse the public awareness on dementia and to consolidate the power of local stakeholders in order to build a Dementia Friendly Community in Tai Po.


  • To consolidate the partnership of local stakeholders and to work out the action plan on dementia-friendly community together.
  • To facilitate the exchange of information, work experience and resources among district partners.
  • To force the public education on dementia care and brain health promotion.
  • To organize various programme or project in order to strengthen dementia care services in the district in view of community needs.

Action plan

  • “Dementia Supporter Program” is a new initiative to train the general public to enhance their awareness, understanding and basic knowledge on dementia. The target is to recruit at least 2,000 supporters by the end of 2019. As at November 2018, there’re over 1,000 supporters joined the programme.
  • Practical training has been provided to district volunteers to enhance their dementia knowledge and skills. 30 trained volunteers will serve our dementia elders and family in the district.
  • Carer café and training programs are organized for dementia caregiversmonthly so as to enhance their self-efficacy and to reduce the caregiving burden.
  • Dementia Friendly Award Ceremony will be held on 1st December 2018. Experts and local leaders will be invited to join the ceremony. And dementia friendly award will be presented to organizations and volunteers who have been actively participating in our dementia supporter program.






救世軍雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院及大埔醫院攜手合作,並獲30個地區團體及持份者的支持,於2017年6月1日成立大埔區認知障礙症照顧聯盟 (Tai Po Dementia Care Link),冀盼能集結大埔區內各界的力量,組織跨專業、跨界別的地區協作平台,齊心關注區內認知障礙症長者及其家庭的需要,攜手努力,積極回應社區的需求。



凝聚大埔區服務單位及各界持份者的力量,齊心關注區內認知障礙症長者及其家庭的需要,攜手努力讓長者能夠居家安老,活出優質晚年生活,並推動大埔成為認知友善社區 ( Dementia-friendly Community)



  • 促進聯盟成員、支持伙伴及地區持份者的訊息和經驗交流,深化協作關係。
  • 建立實務合作及資源共享的平台,並共同制定地區協作計劃,推動「認知友善社區」的行動方案。
  • 齊心推動教育工作,提升社區人士對認知障礙症的關注和了解。
  • 透過聯合舉辦不同社區活動、服務計劃、義工服務等,加強相關支援工作,積極回應區內長者和照顧者的需要。



  • 「齊守護」認知障礙症支援行動


  • 「認知守護者」義工培訓


  • 護老茶座


  • 認知加善嘉許禮


Key facts

Main target group: Both younger and older people (i.e. intergenerational)

Sector(s): Education, Health, Information and communication, Social protection

Desired outcome for older people:
Meet their basic needs

Other issues the Age-friendly practice aims to address:
  • Dementia
  • Intergenerational activities
  • Participation

Contact details

Name: Chun-ho AU

Email address:

Age-friendly practice in detail (click to expand):

Engaging the wider community

Project lead: Local authorities

Others involved in the project:
  • Local authorities
  • Older People’s Association
  • Social or health care provider
  • Volunteers

Older people’s involvement: Older people were consulted during the planning process

Moving forward

Has the impact of this age-friendly practice been analysed: Yes

Was the impact positive or negative:

Looking back

Pending for discussion. This only serves as the beginning of the age friendly practices in Tai Po as the Salvation Army will continue with such similar practice.
