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City of Monash

City of Monash

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Monash  Australia
Print this page City population: 19678022 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

When the City of Monash began the Age Friendly journey in 2013 we recruited and trained 21 Age Friendly Ambassadors to develop and implement community engagement. Since then, the Ambassador initiative has continued to develop into a productive and Council-wide resource that is called upon to participate across many department policy reviews, consultation and focus groups. Age Friendly Monash is a brand that is recognised across Council departments and within the wider community. A number of cross-departmental initiatives are currently underway which were identified in the initial Age Friendly Plan, including an audit of places to rest led by Age Friendly Monash Volunteers. The places to rest audit is a significant project that identifies existing public seating and also makes recommendations for potential additional seating to enable the community to freely move about. The Ambassadors have been involved in a review of assessable car parking, lead by a small team of Age Friendly Ambassadors and key staff from Local laws, Economic Development and Asset Management. The issue of social isolation amongst our older residents is a focus for 2019 – 2022 and the Age Friendly Ambassadors will be involved in the community engagement process of developing a social inclusion policy with Community Strengthening. A new initiative to develop an accessible gym program at the Council-managed health centres in partnership with Dementia Victoria is also underway. The Age Friendly Ambassador and Age Friendly Monash volunteers are leaders in these initiatives and meet with Council staff to ensure the projects meet the desired outcome/s.

Baseline Assessment