Adding life to years
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Town of Harvard

Town of Harvard

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Town of Harvard  United States of America
Print this page City population: 597328 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Historically in Harvard, the Harvard Council on Aging (COA) has been the primary entity that has engaged with the older population in the community. The mission of the COA is to enhance the lives of Harvard residents age 60 and above. The Council identifies and addresses the ongoing social, recreational, educational, vocational, financial, transportation, and therapeutic needs of Harvard’s senior population. This is accomplished through program development, advocacy, legislative awareness and involvement, and community linkages. This has been successful related to traditional COA activities but Harvard is aware that the COA will need to partner with other municipal and community departments and organizations in order to advance other initiatives important to older people such as urban design for age-friendliness with buildings located closer to the street, sidewalks linking all major buildings in the town center with numerous residences. Therefore, COA will be working closely with the Planning Board, Community and Economic Development Director, Select Board, and other groups to facilitate planning and implementation. The Facilities and Services Chapter of the 2016 Master Plan provides for actions that relate to the COA and ADA accessibility and future Plan updates will include more age-friendly elements.

Presently, the Town, through the Council on Aging (COA), conducts regular email blasts to the community, holds weekly coffees for men and for women, and writes weekly and monthly columns in the local newspaper to reach out to seniors in Harvard. Other outreach includes CATV, Facebook, and the NextDoor web portal. COA also conducts personal outreach including “birthday visits”, sand buckets, blizzard bags, library books at home, computer assistance, tax work-off, fuel assistance, health insurance assistance, and inclusion of seniors on boards and committees. The police conduct daily check-ins and there are intergenerational activities with local high school students, boy scouts, and girl scouts. The COA also conducted a survey of older residents related to current services offered and interest in additional services. The Town, through the Planning Board, anticipates conducting a second survey of the community regarding adequacy of facilities and sites for older residents and what facilities are in need of upgrade or creation. This will include public buildings, parks, open spaces, and other facilities. Planning also intends to enhance public outreach mechanisms to better connect and receive feedback from residents of all age cohorts and circumstances such as open houses, community meetings, other social media, and attendance at other community events.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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