Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Lormont  France
Print this page City population: 2213127 % over 60

The local administration is preoccupied by the wellbeing of his older people. For several years, we are setting up global and specific numerous services and activities, as sport, journey, diverse support et accompaniment, aiming to preserve and helping people in the loss of autonomy. Our municipal center of social action is developping actions aimed at seniors: entertaining memories , physical activities , within the framework of a residence. We are experiment for two years house visiting to isolated seniors, and we set up supports according to their passions and interests: help using computers, reading, help in walking.
On top of that we are developping a gerontological pole, consisted of various structures and departments, which is in a specific neighbourhood of the city, This district includes businesses dedicated to old age , like retirement homes,convalescence centers , old age adapted houses… we aim to provide older people all they need for being secured and helped in their old days.The objective is to allow olders to coordinated courses and to pass from a structure to an other one according to their needs. A general animation and a common system of tranport will also be set up within this pole.Highlights are organized by the various associations dedicated to older but also by the city in the form of bingo, festive meals, early evening dances . In 5 years the old population of the city doubled, we have to adapt the services proposed in these evolutions. We set up seniors in account and we are going to design tools in order to answer these new stakes.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan