Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Englewood  United States of America
Print this page City population: 2911215.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The City of Englewood is, by any demographic, one of the most diverse cities in New Jersey. The City already hosts vibrant nonprofit organizations, extraordinary communities of faith, committed civic leaders and dedicated elected officials. Age-Friendly Englewood drew on these entities to form an “Age-Friendly Englewood Coalition” in early 2016 that has been working collaboratively across the entire Englewood community to assess infrastructure, amenities and services relevant to seniors; determine where there are gaps; and devise strategies to fill those gaps. The goal of the Age-Friendly Englewood program is to make Englewood an ideal community for older adults to age-in-place with dignity and independence and to enhance a community that is robust, inviting and welcoming to people of all ages.

Age-Friendly Englewood is a partnership between community organizations and the City of Englewood that aims to maximize the social, physical and economic participation of older adults so they may age in place with dignity and independence.

Age-Friendly Englewood has developed a broad-based plan to address identified needs and impact policy in the areas of housing, transportation, walkability, social isolation, civic participation, access to healthcare/healthy activities, and improving communications and the flow of information. Older adult residents of Englewood, NJ have been involved and informed decisions and making of plans every step of the way and are integral to the success of the initiative. The Mayor and Council, as well as agencies of City government and their leaders are fully supportive of measures to make Englewood more age-friendly.

Values/Guiding Principles
• View an aging population as a community asset
• Treat aging as a normal development stage
• Involve older people in problem identification and resolution
• Engage all sectors – public, private, business, etc.
• Recognize and embrace the diversity of Englewood’s older population
• Provide ways for residents to come together across boundaries of geography, race,
religion and age.
• Build upon existing resources and activities

Strategy and Action Plan


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