Adding life to years
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Age-Friendly Bedridden Transport Initiative

The department of social services received a delegation from the department of Ambulance and rescue (Sharjah Police) to discuss ways of cooperating. Department of social services and Sharjah police cooperated in offering transport service for the bedridden for the elderly. In order to achieve one of the strategic objectives for the follow-up Sharjah’s joining of the Global Network for Age- friendly cities. The number of response to this initiative request is 100%. The rescue vehicle includes technical and medical equipment’s and communication facilities to provide efficient services in line with bedridden conditions of the various group, as well as basic equipments used in ambulances. The meeting was held in response to the directives of His highness Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi the member of the supreme council and ruler of Sharjah. Under the guidance of his highness both organization has develop care service for the elderly and humanitarian cases which confirm the effort of his highness to transform Sharjah into an Age- friendly city by joint services between government agencies. ​