Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Hrpelje-Kozina  Slovenia
Print this page City population: 440227 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The municipality comprises 39 settlements covering 195 km2 with 4,400 inhabitants. The basic task of this municipality is to ensure favorable conditions for the overall benefit of its inhabitants by creating the conditions thanks to which everybody will have the equal possibility to access public wealth, to have a quality life and fully participate in the life of the municipality. Finally, the municipality must strive as much as possible for sustainable development which – in accordance with the principles of democracy, gender equality, solidarity, legal state and basic human rights – will support a continuous improvement of life conditions and well-being of the present and future generations. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage a dynamic economy, full employment, and high level of education, health protection, social and territorial cohesion as well as environmental protection in a peaceful and secure world which respects cultural differences. Key objectives of the strategy are environmental protection, social equality and cohesion, economic wellbeing and fulfilling international duties. Our municipality is dispersed, with rare population and unfavorable age structure when compared with Slovenian average values, which means a number of elderly people live in faraway villages.

The daily center which opened in 2017 through project STAR (Interreg V-A SI-HR; enables social contacts and a higher everyday life quality to the elderly. Project STAR deals with the shared challenges to the aging of cross-border population; unequal accessibility of quality social services; the low level of efficiency and unused potential for cross-border cooperation of social care institutions. The project sets up an innovative integrate system of deinstitutionalization of long-term care at different levels, according to modern guidelines. The project is user-directed and focuses on their needs and desires. The system sets up with this project includes all interest groups in this area, such as social caretakers involved in long-term care, local administration and finally elderly people, which will have the opportunity to stay in a domestic surrounding for as long as possible, as well as to get involved in social events and thus also to improve their life quality.
Our main goal is to a build home for elderly, to maintain the benefits which we gained with project STAR and to encourage intergenerational socializing.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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