Adding life to years
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Lehigh County, Lehigh Valley

Lehigh County, Lehigh Valley

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Lehigh County, Lehigh Valley  United States of America
Print this page City population: 36068523 % over 60

The United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley continues to initiate and provide funding for partner agencies that manage programs focused on diabetes prevention and management, fall prevention, healthy eating and exercise, and access to healthy food. One of the big goals achieved by the United Way GLV — 5 years ahead of schedule was to increase by 50% the number of dependent seniors whose basic needs are met at home. The number of seniors in the Lehigh Valley are expected to increase by 40,000 in the next 7 to 8 years, therefore we will continue to work to help seniors age in place and have their basic needs met at home. In addition, the Lehigh Valley Alliance on Aging is collaborative of volunteer members working together to achieve a community-driven vision for our aging population. This Alliance was established at the recommendation of the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley and continues to work with the United Way to establish programs designed to reduce social isolation and ageism and promote inclusion and access to services for our senior population. The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission has a number of plans that have been adopted by Lehigh and Northampton Counties that offer goals, policies and implementation strategies that move the needle in making communities friendly to all. The Comprehensive Plan: The Lehigh Valley… 2030 and the current Long Range Transportation Plan both specifically highlight providing adequate mobility for the elderly, the handicapped, the poor, and those who do not own an automobile and offer ways to accomplish that goal. The identification of goals, policies and implementation strategies has been done in many plans that cover housing, environment, transportation, health and more.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan