Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Miraflores  Peru
Print this page City population: 8506518000 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The Integral Attention to the Elderly Program aims to develop the person as a whole. We approach the program through four components: Long-term youth homes, the Vecino Mayor (VM) benefits card, the “I’m Good, Look at Me” program and “Affection Factory”.

1. Long-term youth homes
The four houses serve as “second homes” for neighbors and are meeting points where recreational, playful, productive, healthy, physical activity workshops are developed, as well as complementary activities (walks, trips, cultural visits, recreational, talks preventive and health campaigns).

The workshops integrate students around the same interest, generating friendship groups that transcend the workshop, thereby improving the social fabric and the ability to respond to emotional, health or legal needs.

The houses serve 11,830 older adults, which represents 50% of the population over 60 years old. Likewise, 18 organized groups have been formalized and empowered, which autonomously develop their own activities.

2. Vecino Mayor Benefits Card (VM)
The participation of the private companies of the district has been promoted to provide benefits to the elderly, as part of its social responsibility policy. More than 62 companies have been involved in different services such as restaurants, clinics, health services, recreation services, personal care, welfare services, among others. To access these discounts, the municipality grants a coupon card and discounts. In this way, we revalue the role played by the older adult in the community and promote the recognition of private companies for preferential attention to the elderly. To date, more than 5,000 cards have been delivered free of charge.

3. “I’m Good, Look at Me” Program
Contrary to the stereotype that the elderly have already lost their talents, their abilities and can not offer quality services, the municipality has developed the program “I’m Good, Look at Me”:
• Exhibition fairs – Sale of crafts in the Park June 7 twice a year and participation in the permanent fair of Kennedy Park.
• Exhibition – Sale of oil paintings in the Sala Raúl Porras Barrenechea of ​​the Ricardo Palma Cultural Center, one of the main halls of the district, this exhibition is held once a year.
• For older adults who are fond of dance, singing and theater, the Auditorium of the Ricardo Palma Cultural Center is offered for a recital, in addition the workshops are presented in public spaces in parades or commemorative dates.
These activities generate integration, commitment and joy with the family, main spectators and animators of the artistic presentations.

4. “Affection Factory”
One of the characteristics of the older adult is the sensitivity he has to the needs of the other, this is observed in the volunteers in which they participate. The program tries to channel this social sensitivity through the elaboration of crafts that will then be given to vulnerable people, where the accent is not on the material value of the craft, but on the love and love with which it is made and delivered, generating in the people who receive it and give it, satisfaction and joy.

In 2016, the Integral Program of Attention to Older Adults was qualified as a good management practice by Citizens a Day, at that time, Miraflores had activities in two houses for the elderly and was focused on the workshops and services provided in the houses.

This structured program has allowed us to expand the number of beneficiaries, highlighting wellbeing in a population in which this was not previously visible. Many older adults who live alone can now access a program that addresses their physical, social and emotional needs.


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