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Waterford City and County

Waterford City and County

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Waterford City and County  Ireland
Print this page City population: 12000014 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The Waterford Age Friendly Alliance has consulted with the older people of Waterford and with the agencies and service providers involved in the delivery of services to older adults throughout the City and County.
Having listened to the views, thoughts and opinions of all and by researching models of good practice in creating age friendly environments we have developed Waterford City and County’s first Age Friendly County Strategy.
The Waterford Age Friendly Programme is underpinned by an approach where the plans are developed and agreed locally and where the agencies involved agree to be accountable to each other and to older people at local level. As such it has proved to be successful in achieving its aim of improving the lives of older people. This approach represents local government at its best and is a prime example of how we give effect to the need for integrated services, ‘joined-up’ thinking and planning at local level.
The adoption of this five year strategy has led to the creation of nine thematic sub-groups. Each group has been charged to deliver on the strategic actions identified by the older people consulted.
The aim is for all agencies involved to have the age friendly strategy in mind when performing their own duties and developing their own organisations plans.
Finally, with the creation of the Older Persons Council, a structure is now in place where the voices of older people can be heard,can influence policy and the future direction of their City and County into the future.


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