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United States of America: Age-Friendly Brookline Assessment

Executive Summary

“This proposal supports the Town of Brookline’s application for membership in the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities. The Global Network links participating communities, facilitates information exchange, fosters interventions where appropriate to improve the lives of older people, and provides technical support and training. It does not provide funding.

The report’s introduction describes Brookline’s many existing age-friendly attributes, including its population density; walkability; access to public transportation; proximity of services, parks, retail, civic, and social facilities; and access to Boston-area cultural, medical, and educational facilities. This section identifies some preliminary challenges and opportunities, such as the need for more effective information dissemination. The sections that follow provide an overview of existing activities and outline future plans and aspirations in a number of key functional areas that affect senior citizens.”

To read the full age-friendly assessment report please click [here]