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Yuen Long District, Hong Kong

Yuen Long District, Hong Kong

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Yuen Long District, Hong Kong  China
Print this page City population: 57852913.89 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Under the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project initiated and funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University conducted a bottom-up and district-based baseline assessment in Yuen Long in April 2017 to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness in Yuen Long. Besides, a three-year action plan for enhancing the age-friendliness of Yuen Long has been compiled in consultation with members of Yuen Long District Council (the Council) and other community stakeholders.

The Council has been playing an active role in promoting the concept of an age-friendly city (AFC). It works closely with government departments and endeavours to ensure adequate provision of public services and facilities to achieve the objective of strengthening district administration. In the past few years, the Council, in collaboration with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the district, has organized many community activities to lay the foundation for the establishment of an age-friendly community. In 2016, the Working Group on Age-friendly Community in Yuen Long District was formed by the Council to enhance public awareness on the concept of AFC, and to encourage and follow up the progress of enhancing the age-friendliness of the district.

With the concerted efforts of the Council, government departments, NGOs and other district stakeholders, as well as the support rendered under the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project, Yuen Long District is on the right track towards becoming a more age-friendly city. The action plan will guide the collaboration of stakeholders, including the government departments, NGOs and residents to build an age-friendly Yuen Long District in future.