Adding life to years
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Arnold, MO USA

Arnold, MO USA

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Arnold, MO USA  United States of America
Print this page City population: 2080814.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Arnold has several parks in which the walking trails are paved and have seating capacity at equally spaced intervals. The city recreation center hosts the “silver sneakers” program as well as the community Senior Center. Arnold is the only city in Jefferson County, Missouri that has a public transportation system specifically for our city. Through collaboration with a local developer and a state organized independent living center; 2 different senior housing complexes have opened within the city limits in the past 7 years. The city is in the process of developing a guide for contractors specific to “universal design” and these contractors will be encouraged to develop a percentage of homes using these methods, thus allowing a person to age in place. The city provides facilities for an annual Senior Expo and sponsors an annual All Ability Expo; which provides resources and supports to those who are aging as well as those with a disability. Annual utility rebates are provided to those who qualify due to age. Information is shared on a regular basis through the city website, newsletter, and newspaper letter (quarterly basis). City street signs are being replaced with signage that includes both upper and lower case lettering in front of a more reflective background, thus making it easier for those aging. Current positions for the Commission on Aging and Disabilities include: (1) a representative for the aging community and (2) a representative from a provider agency who serves the aging population. In addition to this representation, the commission regularly seeks input from the population(s) identified to be served, through surveys, open meetings, brochures, etc. As a part of the planning process, the commission will host community meetings to gather information. These meetings will be held in collaboration with the Mideast Area Agency on Aging. We will also gather information by sponsoring a table / booth at the annual Senior Expo.


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