Adding life to years
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Luján de Cuyo

Luján de Cuyo

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Luján de Cuyo  Argentina
Print this page City population: 11988812 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The Division for Older Adults is carrying out its activities within the framework of the Division of Human Development of the Municipality of Luján de Cuyo.
Recently, the Municipality arranged and repaired a space, where all kinds of activities oriented to older adults take place such as administrative, cultural, educational, and recreational (coordination of outings and tourist visits), sports and social meetings. These activities are free of charge and for all older adults. The different activities that are carried out include: English lessons; computer lessons; folklore; yoga; handicrafts; nursing ward; amongst others.
The Division for Older Adults is also very alert towards those older adults that are living under poor condition, and seeks for the well-being and improvement of their standard of living by implementing specific policies.

Moreover, other entities that do not depend of the Municipality can carry out activities within the space that the Municipality constituted. These entities include: cultural centers (public libraries and museums), civil entities such as the Rotary Club of Luján de Cuyo, the Lions Club, ADIMOLU, Naranjito and Thadi (these 3 are dedicated to assist persons with disabilities). Also, different communities are present in the Department such as the Spanish, Italian, Lebanese and Bolivian; neighborhood unions and retirement centers located in the different areas of the Department; entities of Health and Social Security such as INSSJP-PAMI and OSEP. All of these entities organize different activities that are oriented to all the older adults of our community.

The different entities mentioned above, work jointly with the Division for Older Adults for the well-being of our elderly. Specifically, the Division serves as a link with the different districts of the Department, by communicating and sharing information with the various actors that are involved and that work for our older adults.

Strategy and Action Plan