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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Stockholm  Sweden
Print this page City population: 94000020 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

The City of Stockholm has a joint long-term vision of a city for everyone. The City’s elderly care covers a range of support and assistance to ensure that all elderly people can feel safe and secure in their own homes and are offered good quality care. People who wish and are able to live at home can be granted home care services. These can range from light jobs around the home, a few hours per month, to daily extensive care. Care services also include companionships, day activities, janitor services and more. There are also several different types of residences for people aged 65+. Other programs concerning the City’s elderly population include amongst others the Program for Accessibility, the Program against violence in close relationships and honor-related violence and oppression, and the Program for support to family and relatives. High quality, influence, individualization and security are guiding values for the City’s elderly care, and there is an on-going work to ensure all responsible staff are familiar with and follow these fundamental values.
To realize the above mentioned vision and make Stockholm a more age friendly city, the City’s elderly care administration is currently in the process of developing a long-term strategy that will build on the model advocated by the WHO-affiliated European Covenant on Demographic Change. A thorough baseline assessment of the draft plan will be conducted in the near future, which will involve a large proportion of Stockholm’s elderly population. Enhancing cooperation with other city administrations and companies will be a key priority, and as part of the strategy the City will develop a program indicating what each administration and company should contribute towards making Stockholm an age-friendly city.

Baseline Assessment


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