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Minister Butler launches new strategy for older people in County Wicklow

Mary Butler, TD, Minster for Mental Health and Older People attended a reception at Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, on Monday 27th February 2023 to launch the new County Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy 2023-27.

The Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy 2023 – 2027 was developed by the Wicklow Age Friendly County Alliance, following an extensive consultation with older people throughout the county.  This is the second Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy and the new strategy was informed by the views of more than 300 people across county Wicklow, aged over 55, from a wide range of ages, with diverse interests and circumstances. Their views were collected through a series of public consultations, to ensure that older people’s needs were considered and addressed by the 5 year strategy.

Minister Mary Butler with Members of  Wicklow Age Friendly County Alliance and Older People's Council at Strategy Launch Event

Minister Butler with Members of Wicklow Age Friendly County Alliance and Older People’s Council at Strategy Launch Event 27.2.23

In developing the strategy, the Alliance adopted the Age Friendly Ireland model and World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Age-friendly Cities and Communities framework. This proposes eight interconnected domains that can help to identify and address barriers to the well-being and participation of older people.

The new 5 year strategy includes an action plan which details 72 actions, across these 8 thematic areas or domains:

  • Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Social Participation
  • Respect & Social Inclusion
  • Civic Participation & Employment
  • Communication & Information
  • Community Support & Health Services

The Strategy aims to enhance the quality of life of older people in County Wicklow, using a multi-agency approach (statutory, voluntary and community sectors) to implement a range of objectives and action designed to significantly enhance the quality of life of older people living in Wicklow.

The Wicklow Age Friendly County Alliance is a high-level cross-sector group, chaired by Brian Gleeson, Chief Executive of Wicklow County Council. Members of the Alliance include representatives from the County Wicklow Older People’s Council, Wicklow County Council, Health Service Executive, An Garda Síochána, Local Link, Bray Area Partnership, County Wicklow Partnership, Citizens Information Service, Kildare & Wicklow Education & Training Board, Wicklow Town & District Chamber of Commerce.

The member agencies form a collaborative strategic partnership which meets quarterly to oversee the implementation of actions to improve the lives of older people.

County Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy 2023-27

Wicklow Age Friendly Strategy 2023-2027 Booklet_compressed