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Age friendly business checklist

The City of Unley Age Friendly Business Program

This program aims to raise awareness amongst businesses of the potential community and commercial benefits of implementing age friendly practices. An age friendly business is one that is welcoming and accessible, promotes independence, and is responsive to the needs of an older population.

There are many strategies that can be implemented to become more age friendly. Some strategies are simply good business practice; others might be a new consideration. It is important to note that many of these strategies are low cost and can have a big impact.

The City of Unley has worked to promote the use of this  self-assessment checklist which demonstrates the businesses commitment to being age friendly. This is part of our Age Friendly Business Recognition program which provides a visual marker of the scheme to customers through  an ‘Age Friendly Trader’ sticker which can be displayed in the business premises windows with pride, as well as opportunities for further promotion through local media and ways to further  understanding of the many ways to meet and exceed older customers needs.

Easy to use checklist to improve your age -friendliness for your older customers



Checklist.2019 docx