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Relenza Rotacap/Rotahaler removed from WHO List of Prequalified Medicinal Products

21 September, 2010 - 09:00 (CEST)

The Swedish Medical Product Agency (MPA) the Reference Member State for zanamivir has informed GlaxoSmithKline, that due to the move to the post-pandemic phase declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 10 August 2010, the Temporary Authorization for the distribution of RelenzaTM RotacapsTM is no longer valid.

The above has been confirmed independently by MPA to WHO. Consequently, and in line with the Temporary Authorization of IN008, IN008 has now been removed from the WHO List of Prequalified Medicinal Products. For background information, please refer to News item of 2 November 2009 (see below related link).

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